Monday, February 14, 2011

One day I will wake up to birds singing outside my window, and to a happy me. Until then, I will keep praying...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Not too long ago, I heard that you need to make 3 choices that are exactly the opposite of what you would normally do to change your life forever...I wonder if you are destined to make  those 3 choices, and in reality you don't change anything..and live in an illusion of being in control....or....maybe, we are, indeed, capable of changing our destiny?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I’m leaving. Where? I don’t know yet - haven’t bought the ticket. But I’m leaving for good, not coming back.
I’m leaving those old mirrors too, shatter them to pieces or give them away, who cares? Toss the broken glass away like you did the golden band that I put on your finger – once it was sacred, we put our lives into it and engraved our names on it, so we’ll never forget….that special moment..a never ending eternity with no beginning and no end…a perfect circle. So we did, walked in circles until the gold got too scarred and turned into junk that both of us pawned. Walking in circles takes you Nowhere, but now I’d rather be at the place I know best than waiting for a flight that has never been scheduled. Pawned all we had. Aren’t you glad it wasn’t much?
I’m still sitting on a dusty shelf, looking at those passersby with pennies ringing in their pockets…
What a pretty doll – strange she still hasn’t found a home…

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. (Khalil Gibran). Every morning tears me further and further apart from the day you and I should have started a new perfect life.  This may not be a matter of my faith anymore, it is a question of my can one keep wishing for the past to come back and yet desperately keep moving forward...every morning running away from yourself just to come back home at night to the same old reflection in a mirror? Letting go is difficult, but keeping the past in your heart is even more torturous.

Monday, January 31, 2011

I feel that true love as described in classic literature is extinct, just as men who are endlessly brave and selfless, and women who are noble and kind. Today what most people refer to as "love" seems to be more of a set of consecutive chemical transaction in your body...triggered by meeting a new unknown person, who, once explored, is no longer able to cause an exciting whirlpool of emotions and so the romance ends...When will we stop using "love" as an euphimism?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Are coincidences in our life are a part of our destiny and if everything is written as we say ‘maktub’, then what is the point in following our dreams? (by Saakshi)

I wonder if we are "destined" to make certain decisions in our lives and if it is even possible to stray away from our right path. What if having that option of making/not making a decision is just an illusion? It probably is easier to think that you just followed your path, and even if you did make a mistake, than you are not the one to blame since you were "ment" to do exactly what you did....It sounds like an easy way out, but there's really no point in blaming yourself for something that could have been beyond your control...
I wish I had at least one chance to go back in time and change at least one of my actions. Each person should have at least one chance to re-think and re-do. Instead, most of the times all we are left with are memories, guilt, and probably hope that we won't make the same mistake in the future.

What a pretty day..

It's the middle of winter and it feels like a real spring day! I love the view from my bedroom window, the birds making noices (not exactly signing) in the woods and the absolutely gorgeous blue sky. What was your January 30, 2011 like?