Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Faith is an oasis in the heart which will never be reached by the caravan of thinking. (Khalil Gibran). Every morning tears me further and further apart from the day you and I should have started a new perfect life.  This may not be a matter of my faith anymore, it is a question of my sanity...how can one keep wishing for the past to come back and yet desperately keep moving forward...every morning running away from yourself just to come back home at night to the same old reflection in a mirror? Letting go is difficult, but keeping the past in your heart is even more torturous.


  1. if you remember that last line, you will eventually be able to let go... it took me long enough, and i'm slowly but surely getting it right.

  2. The hardest moment is admitting to yourself that the only way out of your own misery is to let go. I think that's where it needs to start and I'm afraid I'm not completely there yet...Hope seems to always die last and mine is still breathing. Thank you for stopping by, Shadow!
